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Our thoughts on EX, Digital HR
and the future of work

Here are a few ways that you can use Slack to ensure that all employees feel like they have a style of communication that works for them, whilst maximizing employee engagement.

More from our blog

In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, questions, incidents and more, the need for assistance arises regularly. Having a reliable and structured platform to address our InfoSec (Information Security) queries was crucial…This is where Sherlock Bones comes into play.
To help more businesses make the most of bots in 2024, we’ve put together a list of the absolute TOP FIVE bots that you need.
Take part in our Employee Experience Survey to be in with a chance of winning a £250 Amazon voucher.
You’ve spoken and we’ve listened! We're excited to share some significant updates that have been implemented to streamline processes, and offer you more robust capabilities than ever before.
Discover the impressive partnership between automation and asset management, resulting in a remarkable $2.3 million in savings for an American tech giant. Let's dive into the key benefits of this dynamic duo.
Leadership teams need to be proactively working together to implement integrated technological solutions that will benefit all, and the relationship between CIOs and CHROs is a key component to a great employee experience.
A great manager is essential for the successful operation of any company.
You’ve heard of the Oscars, Emmys, Grammys and Tony Awards - but there’s a new award show in town and a Golden Botter has been won!
Supercharge your performance evaluations with our limited-time offer: a FREE trial of our Employee Reviews template!
At The Bot Platform we’ve identified 3 ways our technology can help employers support their Middle Managers
4 benefits from workplace training and development that help employees become more efficient.
Have a read to find out more about our new and improved platform.
How you can streamline your incident reporting process into one easily accessible and efficient system.
We’re excited to announce that you can now use The Bot Platform to easily build bots on Slack!
Let's explore how technology has the ability to handle and streamline routine business tasks, which in turn will lead to a more efficient, agile and productive workforce.
The first two-weeks of an employees’ new role are crucial for retention, employee satisfaction and efficiency.
We’ve identified 8 areas that our technology systems can help eliminate inefficiencies and streamline business processes.
Our three-step process to gathering genuine, meaningful and actionable feedback from your employees.
For Earth Day, we explore three of the ways sustainability can be integrated into your organisation.
Let's explore the benefits of a clean and pleasant workspace.
For National Stress Awareness Month we’re sharing our favourite initiatives to promote well-being in the workplace and show how automated systems, like our Bots, can support your enterprise.
We explore the benefits of anonymous feedback, and we are also offering a FREE two-month trial to show you just how powerful these anonymous feedback tools can be.
Step aside Emmys, Grammys and Tony Awards - there’s a new award show in town, and a Golden Botter to be won!
In celebration of International Women's Day, we’re shining a light on our wonderful Chief Product Officer, Sophie Barfield.
On Friday 3rd March, businesses from all over the World celebrate ‘National Employee Appreciation Day’, in this blog we explain how employee recognition is intrinsically linked to a positive company culture and should be an ongoing priority for business owners, neglected at their peril!
Company culture comes from everyone within an organisation. It derives from the shared beliefs, ethics, and norms of everyone within a workplace community and influences every layer, from the new starter onboarding process to customer and partner interactions.
In celebration of Random Acts of Kindness Day, we thought it was the perfect time to deep dive into how we can create a great company culture.
As part of Safer Internet Day, we’re breaking down the biggest cyber and digital security threats facing businesses in 2023.
Developing more effective leadership skills is a quality that can be taught. At The Bot Platform, we’ve created a customisable coaching Digital Assistant - The Management Coach, to help nurture the leadership skills of your Management Teams.
By making Employee Engagement one of your main priorities for 2023 you can supercharge your team and become the essential positive force that helps them to start the year with ambition and optimism.
According to a study published by HBR, workers toggle between Apps about 1200 times a day.
Our Creative Solutions Architect Melita, recently used The Bot Platform to create a donation bot to support local food banks, here's how she did it.
Following layoffs, those that remain face a rather challenging and often toxic environment. It is vital that the industry leaders who are truly dealing with the grim necessity, use this time to look through their business to help ease the burden for those that remain.
This year more than ever, it’s been tough and for many businesses it feels like they have been weathering the storm. With all this in mind, it’s important to show appreciation for your staff.
Many companies rely on the big end of year to bond with staff and appraise their efforts for the year. It is an important company tradition that has become expected. But is it really enough? Too often companies rest on their laurels, thinking a single end of year event is a sufficient show of recognition. But recognition shouldn't just be an annual occurrence.
Being able to clearly communicate the benefits of your plan to decision makers is an art, and there is a lot to consider. So here are 9 ways to get your budget over the line.
Take part in our Employee Experience Survey to be in with a chance of winning a £250 Amazon voucher.
There is a cost-effective and time saving solution to event planning available to alleviate the burden and still ensure your team has fun.
Take a read to find out all about Anonymous Bots, Drip Campaigns, Group Triggers and more.
The Bot Platform is proud to announce that we have won Best Conversational Bot Creation & Development Platform at this year’s Research and Development Awards.
It’s getting to the time of year HR Departments and workers all over the country quietly dread: the open enrollment period. A necessary yet persistent nuisance for companies nationwide that annually drains important resources, but we have a solution!
It may be tempting to be conservative and think that employee experience should take a back seat in the current economic climate. That would be a BIG mistake. A sure-fire way to ensure return on investment next year is to allocate a budget for digital assistants, automation tools and new technologies that positively impact the employee experience.
After years of restrictions following COVID guidelines, people are desperate to have autonomy once again, and with The Great Resignation, striking and now this most recent Quiet Quitting trend, it’s clear to see that this power struggle is far from over.
There are a number of things that CIOs and IT managers need at the moment, starting with a good dose of empathy and understanding from the workers they serve, as well as more support and resources from senior leadership teams to help IT teams feel less stressed and more on top of their workloads and responsibilities.
Staff engagement has never been more dynamic, large chunks of time devoted to banal but necessary admin has been liberated and productivity has surged. The cause of this corporate revolution? Bots.
Every business wants engaged and knowledgeable staff, but how many structure their communications in a way that truly drives engagement and advocacy from employees and stakeholders?
Football has always been renowned for its ability to bring people together and savvy employers can channel this undivided passion into the workplace as a fun way to drive staff engagement, which in turn helps with company culture, employee wellbeing and retention.
Business magnate and TV Personality Lord Alan Sugar recently shared his thoughts in The Mail about working from home. We went through some of his main points and shared why we believe his approach sums up what is so badly lacking at some of the highest levels of business; flexibility and empathetic leadership.
With SHRM reporting that the average cost to hire an employee is $4,129, it’s imperative that companies become au fait with retaining the employees they have through training and ensuring they have a strong appeal to any potential new hires.
We have a chance to create real and lasting change for all employees across society. It’s going to be a bumpy road ahead, but if we work together, we can make lasting improvements that will benefit all of us.
Our Solutions Architect, Sami Abid, decided to investigate how he could use The Bot Platform to automate the repetitive aspects of his job.
To promote better mental health and wellness practices in the workplace we wanted to share 5 ways that people who work from home can boost their mental health and wellness this summer.
Wellbeing at work has become one of the main focuses during the last few years, company-wide initiatives are often rolled out to help support and improve the day-to-day lives of everyday working staff, but for employees returning to work after a long period of time off, employers need to take a different tact
As we approach the summer of 2022, we want to focus on what we have come to appreciate; our very own health, both mentally and physically - so join us as we celebrate the summer of wellness!
In aid of Learning Week we asked our team to share some of the books that have inspired them on their career journey.
We wanted to examine some of the ways that companies can encourage a culture of growth, both personally and professionally in their organisations.
These last few months we have been working away on some new platform improvements that we think you’ll really like; have a read to find out about our new and improved platform.
Technology is here to provide a much needed helping hand in the form of digital assistants that can automate the manual work that takes up huge amounts of HR team’s time, and streamline processes to provide better, more instant and accessible HR tools for staff.
How can businesses best support their staff through these challenging times and help them feel less stressed and more supported?
We thought we’d share with you 10 tips for the perfect office spring clean, and we’re not talking about your physical office space, but your digital space too.
Employee recognition makes employees feel valued and respected, they feel the impact they have on the company and are far less likely to leave their position and look elsewhere.
Many businesses may not feel that they can afford to give all staff a pay rise in the current climate, but what can businesses do to help their staff at this time of need?
We talked to UK startup and technology news publication, TechRound, about our journey, how the company evolved during the pandemic and what the future looks like for The Bot Platform.
See what happens when you increase investment into employee engagement by just 10%
Think the Hybrid model will solve your issues with staff not wanting to go back to the office full time? Think again.
See how bots and digital assistants can help your staff set, track and achieve wellness goals throughout 2022.
We run through new product updates that improve the speed and functionality around using Segments and allow deep links for bots on Workplace.
As part of Meta's Alpha testing, we got early access to their VR Workrooms technology. Here’s why we loved it.
The ‘Great Resignation’ brings with it vast opportunity for business leaders to recalibrate how they approach employer-employee relations
How bots and automated assistants can help guide your staff around key groups, channels and online communities.
As a new variant causes new lockdown and social distancing measures, here's how bots and digital assistants can help businesses stay agile and prepared.
42% of HR teams recently reported feeling overwhelmed. Here’s how bots and digital assistants can help support them and the colleagues they serve.
How creating an effective crisis response tool can ensure you’re prepared for another lockdown or set of COVID-19 restrictions.
Why investment in employee experience technology tools, such as bots and digital assistants, need to be a priority for 2022 and beyond.
Learn how bots can help scale rapid training across thousands of temporary workers
See how bots and digital assistants can help improve every aspect of induction, from pre-hire and training to post-hire surveys
We talk to Authority Magazine about how bots and automation tools can help companies with their Digital Transformation initiatives.
We look at the importance of having an effective crisis communications plan.
We talk through the latest product updates that help admins edit and duplicate broadcasts.
How bots on Microsoft Teams and Workplace from Facebook can be used to promote employee wellness programs
We look at how companies can better prepare their staff with security training and how bots can help.
We examine the increased importance placed on company leaders demonstrating empathy
The impact reopening will have on the workforce and how bots can help.
In this article we look at the UK Government’s Help To Grow Scheme and how new technology tools like The Bot Platform can help businesses boost employee engagement, productivity and company culture.
A recap of this year’s Transform EMEA event by Workplace from Facebook, including customer keynotes and new product announcements.
In this article we talk about the benefits of a well trained workforce, the costs and risks of staff not fully understanding internal technology tools, and how digital assistants can help.
A look at the progress of the global vaccine rollout and the steps companies can take in helping their staff stay safe and informed.
This article covers the challenges facing companies running virtual or physical events and how bots on Workplace and Microsoft Teams can help.
During the workshop attendees learn how to plan, build and maintain bots on Workplace. Workplace Solutions Engineers and The Bot Platform team will be there for hands-on support, and to share learnings and best practices along the way.
While in lockdown, we are all spending more time in our own homes. Learn how to create a bot that automatically makes you coffee for you.
The workplace in 2020 was a year like no other. We've identified three common challenges being encountered across almost every business.

Whatever you need to build
build it with The Bot Platform