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New starter onboarding

Create seamless induction experiences on Microsoft Teams, Slack or Workplace.

The importance of efficient onboarding

With The Great Resignation comes an ever greater need to hire and onboard people to fill vacant positions. Quality onboarding can not only create more engaged and productive employees, but also help lengthen retention and loyalty too. For example, 53% of HR professionals say employee engagement increases when onboarding is improved, and 69% of employees are likely to stay with a company for 3+ years if they experience great onboarding.

Clearly there is a real need for quality onboarding, and yet 76% of HR leaders say employee onboarding practices are underutilized at their organization.

An automated onboarding assistant can easily provide a consistent and quality onboarding experience while also automatically answering all those commonly asked questions employees have when they start a new job.

Plus, you can also easily check in with new starters over time with new starter surveys that ensure employees are feeling good and allow them to suggest onboarding improvements for the future.

Key screens and features

See an Onboarding Assistant in action

Main Benefits

How will an Onboarding Assistant help you?

Welcome new hires
Send onboarding materials
Increase channel usage
Track completions
Tailor to staff
Improve onboarding
Leading Agile, Professional Services

See how Leading Agile improved their own onboarding experience for staff

What will you build?

Build your own onboarding assistant with The Bot Platform

Easily create your own onboarding tools and integrate them with Microsoft Teams, Slack, Workplace from Meta or any digital communication platform of your choice.

Want to see just how quickly you could get up and running with our platform? Click below to book in a demo and we’ll give you a free trial license to build an onboarding assistant of your own.

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What’s stopping you from building a better employee experience?