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We offer advice on how you can build an effective Employee Advocacy Program, along with other tactics to increase staff pride & engagement.
How you can use automation tools to help ease the strain of event planning, communications and attendee engagement.
Without a dedicated budget for tech, you risk falling behind and letting communication and key processes slip and suffer.
In times of crisis and uncertainty, many businesses resort to mass layoffs. But does this do more damage than good?
The pandemic saw a mass adoption of new working styles, including fully remote and hybrid options. But should it be considered a legal right rather than an option?
Many companies approach Internal Comms the wrong way. We offer some actionable tips and advice on how to do it the right way.
We outline seven key pillars that can help your business become a beacon for attracting and retaining top performing employees.
How Ports of Jersey used The Bot Platform to transform their internal comms is featured on Microsoft's official Customer Story portal.
Diversity Q explores how our Reboarding Assistant can be used to support staff returning to work after long-term leave.
We explore what can be done to better support staff through big milestones and stressful events.
We examine the growing trend among young people that rejects so-called hustle culture.
With more companies experimenting with a four day week, we explore the benefits and drawbacks of shorter hours.
The Bot Platform talk through one of their appsource listings, a Training Assistant for Microsoft Teams.
The Bot Platform's CMO, Tom Gibby, talks about the urgent need for better employee wellness programs.
How bots help employers boost employee engagement, productivity, and company culture.
How bots can streamline processes to provide better, more instant and accessible HR tools for staff.
TBP’s Eddy Williams takes the lead in sharing our VR meeting room experiences.
Learn how to combat the 'Great Resignation' and improve the employee experience.
Honest Burgers demonstrates that maintaining balanced company culture is possible. talk to TBP about their experience using Meta’s VR Workroom
Forbes Business Council experts shared their best advice for safely reopening offices.
Investing in these areas could save you from the peril of the ‘Great Resignation’.
In times of crisis, simple is definitely better, says the award-winning HR team at Globe Telecom.
Ujjwal Singh, the head of Workplace from Meta, tells UNLEASH about the importance of frontline staff.
TechRound chat to our CMO and co-founder, Tom Gibby, about our origin story and plans for the future.
Our CEO, Syd Lawrence, talks about how enterprises are recognising the various use cases for bots.
Employee engagement is spoken about a lot, but how can it help you?
Digital transformation has become a huge buzzword, but it starts with a truly connected enterprise.
We outline the benefits of true digital transformation initiatives, and 5 ways they help companies.
Here are four ways that bots can help you stay connected with remote and hybrid teams.
The UK chancellor Rishi Sunak wants everyone back in the office but Sharon O’Dea doesn’t quite agree. Read on to see why.
We outline some of the ways bots can help companies improve their digital EX initiatives and create more effective ways of working.
Honest Burgers was able to minimise redundancies, re-skill its workforce and ensure transferrable skills were put to good use.

Whatever you need to build
build it with The Bot Platform