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Company announcements

Ensure important company news is seen, read and acted upon.

Effective corporate communication matters

What options do companies have when it comes to sending internal communications for important company updates? While most default to email, 77% of companies believe email is an ineffective communication tool.

Companies often also post to Workplace Groups, Microsoft Teams or Slack Channels, to generate further visibility and awareness among staff.

Announcement Bot allows you to easily and quickly send business critical updates and news to your whole workforce, or specific groups of staff – whether that be based on location, department or seniority, using Microsoft Teams, Slack or Workplace.

Using Announcement bot you can automate follow ups to ensure action points are completed, as well as allowing staff to subscribe to other company news updates they are interested in hearing more about.

Key screens and features

See an Announcement Bot in action

Main Benefits

How can an Announcement bot help you?

Broadcast important news
Link to official announcements
Make available to everyone
Track acknowledgements
Improve read rates
Crowdsource news from staff
Globe Telecom, Telecommunications

See how Globe Telecom used bots to keep their staff safe and informed during the pandemic

What will you build?

Build your own company news apps with The Bot Platform

Easily create your own announcement bots or broadcasting tools and integrate them with Microsoft Teams, Slack, Workplace from Meta or any digital communication platform of your choice.

Want to see just how quickly you could get up and running with our platform? Click below to book in a demo and we’ll give you a free trial license to build an onboarding assistant of your own.

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