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Corporate events

Build a better event with your own digital concierge that handles comms, logistics and more.
Improve event communication with staff and attendees

The landscape of working and running events has been moved to a digital stage, with 39% of event professionals agreeing that ‘engaging attendees’ is the most crucial element of an event. Finding ways to engage and excite people for virtual events has brought in new challenges to face.

According to Markletic, 49% of marketers say that audience engagement is the biggest contributing factor to having a successful event. Bespoke bots built into a single comms channel breathe life into the information flow and promote a healthy and efficient interchange that promotes engagement. 

The event can be made to be more interactive and engaging by updating attendees about any developments. You can also run polls or ask questions during the event to increase interaction with the audience and ensure people are dialled in and as engaged as possible. 

An Event Assistant Bot can also save you time and money and boost the engagement and success of your event.

This was certainly the case for one of our customers, an elite French football team. After launching their Event Bot their HR team reported a lighter workload with 100% of questions answered automatically. Event sign ups and attendees were boosted by 20% and engagement rates rocketed with a 15x increase in questions asked by staff. 

Our Event Bot can keep your staff and attendees updated on a range of topics; from travel to event schedules, tailor specific messages to different audience groups pre, during and after the event and so much more.

Key screens and features

See an event assistant in action

Main Benefits

How can an Event Assistant help you?

Send pre, during, post event comms
Answer organiser and attendee specific FAQs
Help with operations and logistics
Increase event engagement
Gather organiser and attendee feedback
Decrease workload for organizers
Honest Burgers, UK

See how Honest Burgers use bots to manage their company events

What will you build?

Build your own event assistant with The Bot Platform

Easily create your event management or communication tools and integrate them with Microsoft Teams, Slack, Workplace from Meta or any digital communication platform of your choice.

Want to see just how quickly you could get up and running with our platform? Click below to book in a demo and we’ll give you a free trial license to build an onboarding assistant of your own.

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