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French Soccer Club

Better connecting staff to leadership teams and event engagement 

How a French Soccer Club are using bots to automate event communication and connect staff to leadership.

Key stats and facts

100% of event questions answered

20% more event sign ups and attendees

15X more questions asked by staff

The challenge

When a French top tier football club, who have won multiple Coupes de France and Coupes de la Ligue, got in touch with us about wanting to improve their communication processes we were very excited to see what they would create using our platform.

The club is organized into three units: Sports, Corporate (finances, HR, legal, etc) and the Business unit (media, comms, marketing, rev, etc).

In order for the team to succeed and the club to do as well as possible, all these different units need to play together in the most efficient and productive way possible.

The clubs’ Director of Human Resources was looking for a tool to help her automate tasks, improve communication throughout every level within the organization and better connect staff and leadership. They needed a platform that was easy to use at scale, reliable and provided the support she would need.

The solutions

From event communications to connecting staff to leadership, this French football club has created a suite of automated tools using The Bot Platform.

Click below to explore some of the solutions they have built using The Bot Platform

Business impact

After launching the Afterwork Event bot, the team felt the positive impact of a lighter workload and automated event communication process. Previously the club was spending over four hours dedicated to answering questions from staff but thanks to the bot, not only were all the questions automatically answered but she also saw a 20% increase in the number of event sign-ups and attendees.

Thanks to the new anonymized Q&A process that was enabled by the Ask the Boss bot, the club immediately saw a change in the quantity and quality of questions being asked. Previously, only one or two people would be brave enough to ask their questions during the company meetings, and even then the questions were always based on broad subjects.

After launching the bot, the club has seen a 15x increase in the number of questions being asked by staff, as well as far more specific and meaningful questions being asked to the leadership team.

Here's what they have to say

Workplace gives our staff a channel to connect with each other and our leadership team. Bots give people a voice and the freedom to ask the questions they really want to ask.

French Football Club
Director of Human Resources

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