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Improving Employee Onboarding, Engagement and Accessibility

GSK have leveraged the power of bots to revolutionize their onboarding process, elevate project management efficiency and supercharge workforce engagement.

Key stats and facts

14,000 employees used their onboarding assistant

10,000 employees participating in surveys

100’s of hours saved in repetitive admin time

The challenge

GSK’s first challenge was to find a way to scale and standardise their onboarding processes, without draining their human resources and provide new starters with a comprehensive induction into their systems and procedures, using Workplace from Meta.

Their second challenge was to streamline a large-scale project, transitioning all sites and team members from the company’s old SharePoint platform to the new one. Ensuring that each site completed all the required tasks, at the right time, for a smooth transition.

GSK also needed to survey employees from various regions across the globe in six different languages. They were looking for a way to effectively reach out to users, present the report they were doing a survey on in a comprehensible manner, and encourage their staff participation and feedback sharing.

The solutions

GSK have improved onboarding, project management and workforce engagement by using a suite of automation assistants that have standardised processes and improved accessibility. 

Click below to explore some of the solutions GSK have built using The Bot Platform

The results

Since the launch, Steven the Onboarding Assistant has sent 41,000 messages and has seen 14,000 people interacting and engaging with the bot. 

Steven has also provided invaluable advantages to the company, including;

Saved Time & Resources

Steven has saved time and resources by automating the repetitive and routine tasks involved in welcoming new employees and introducing them to the platform. This has freed up human resources to focus on more complex or specialised aspects of onboarding.

Onboarding Consistency

Steven ensures consistency in the onboarding experience. The information provided remains the same for every user, as such there is a standardised and reliable introduction process.

Smoother Onboarding Experience

Steven allows new starter support to be available 24/7, providing instant access to guidance for new users at any time, whenever they need it. This has contributed to a smoother onboarding experience.

Reliable Remiders

The presence of Mr. Nucleus proved invaluable during the Sharepoint project, especially for site owners who may have overlooked or failed to respond to emails or other forms of communication. 

  • Served as a reliable reminder of tasks to be completed
  • Allowed site owners to conveniently refer back to their list of tasks whenever needed
  • Easy access to centralised information about the transition

The bot played a crucial role in ensuring the smooth execution of the project and keeping site owners engaged and accountable.

Increased Engagement and Participation

GSK’s Results Survey bot was able to reach 58,822 users and almost 10k people took part in the survey. Their approach allowed GSK to gather insights from a broader range of perspectives, enriching the data they had already collected and providing a more comprehensive understanding of their team. 

Here's what they say

“The platform is very user friendly and it requires none or hardly any training to get started with building your bots! I loved the opportunities it brought and how the software proactively suggests bot ideas and develops ready-to-use templates that allow you to set up bots in minutes”.

Patrycja Balcerzak
Digital Channels Manager

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