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Using bots to better onboard, connect with and train staff

Saga has developed an automated training assistant that onboards new starters and ensures staff are making the most of internal technology systems and services.

Key stats and facts

90% usage rate from new starters at Saga 

Used by 47% of existing staff to help with knowledge top-ups

Successfully educated staff on their Workplace experience

The challenge

Saga‘s goal was to improve  the skill-set of approximately 1,500 team members and help them to become more efficient and confident in using Workplace from Meta.

Through a meticulous approach, they crafted a comprehensive plan ensuring that every individual not only possessed the necessary tools, but also a strong understanding of Workplace’s functionalities.

The overall objective was to cultivate confidence and efficiency among all employees, facilitating seamless navigation of their roles and unlocking the system’s full potential.

The solutions

Using The Bot Platform, Saga has developed a digital, automated training assistant that assists employees in understanding key technology tools, policies and ways of working.

Click below to explore some of the solutions Saga have built using The Bot Platform

The results

Upon launch, 74% of colleagues read the welcome message and 47% engaged with the bot.

The CECE Training Bot has educated colleagues on how to best control their experience of Workplace, with positive feedback from their workers; “This is a great tool that has helped make useful changes and allowed me to control my Workplace experience and will encourage me to engage with Workplace more.

Following the success of the training bot, Saga has now gone on to develop a specific Workplace onboarding bot to support their new starters. This bot is now used by 90% of new starters in their onboarding process.

The bots have successfully educated colleagues on how to best control their experience on Workplace and helped their teams engage more effectively with the platform.

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