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Leveraging bots for important company updates and culture-building activities

How Countdown are using bots to communicate with frontline workers and increase engagement on Workplace.

The challenge

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Countdown and millions of businesses alike have had to quickly pivot to follow the necessary public health guidelines to operate safely for their customers and staff. Using Workplace and The Bot Platform, Countdown was able to connect and quickly engage with frontline staff to keep their essential business safe and operational.

Since COVID-19 struck, grocery stores and food retailers have had to quickly respond to the uptick in demand and unforeseen challenges in the entire ecosystem.

For Dominika White, Internal Communications Advisor at Countdown, the first challenge they were trying to solve was improving information delivery and finding out how people were feeling.

Countdown were looking for a self-serve platform that would enable them to build their own fully automated bots. For Dominika, someone who wouldn’t have considered herself a technical person, The Bot Platform ended up being the easy-to-use automation platform she was looking for.

The solutions

Using The Bot Platform Countdown were able to easily keep their retail staff informed and engaged.

Click below to explore some of the solutions Countdown have built using The Bot Platform

Business impact

With the majority of Countdown Workplace users having no email access, there were restrictions on how quickly and effectively information was shared.

By replacing their previous methods with Pickle, Dominika and the Countdown team were able to develop relationships with those team members and support staff when they couldn’t be there in person.

With over 100k+ messages sent through the bot and a 30% response rate, Pickle enabled Countdown staff to have a voice and communicate their needs from the frontline to the HQ.

Here's what Dominika has to say

Dominika White

The Bot Platform has been amazing. It feels intuitive. The navigation mode is super helpful and I haven’t gotten myself in a tangle. With coding, you can easily make a mess; with The Bot Platform, it is quite easy to seamlessly move into different messages.

Dominika White
Internal Communications Advisor

Dominika White

We’re always looking for something new or exciting to capture people’s attention and increase engagement on Workplace. With The Bot Platform, it was huge that we could form relationships with our team when we couldn’t physically be there.

Dominika White
Internal Communications Advisor

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