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Using Bots to Build Successful and Collaborative Teams

Learn how Innosis used The Bot Platform to build tools that helps better utilise Microsoft Teams for their workforce.

The challenge

To help companies perform a pulse check on how they were using Microsoft Teams, and start preparing them for their upcoming workshop, Innosis wanted to create a digital assistant that would encourage clients to think about key team building principles and collaboration needs.

The solutions

Using The Bot Platform, Innosis created an automated assistant that helps companies learn how to work more effectively on Microsoft Teams.

Click below to explore some of the solutions Innosis have built using The Bot Platform

Here's what Andrew has to say

Building a bot for Microsoft Teams using The Bot Platform was surprisingly easy and fun. As a non-technical person, it put me in control of the entire flow and content of the app, making it easy to experiment and change my ideas as I went along. I was impressed with the end product, but more excited about what we can build next.

Andrew Pope
Partner & Consultant - Innosis

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